My about me

Before you interact...

I tend to swear A LOT, if it makes you uncomfortable, please let me know

THAT BEING SAID, my mental health comes first and foremost, I reserve the right to block anyone at any point

If I do not respond right away...

I genuinely have a pretty trash memory but I will most likely get around to it, I promise
currently im still doing classes i wont respond, please be patient with me (especially Tue - Thu 7:00am - 6:00pm WIB)


Passionate People - if you have something that you're super interested in, feel free to dm and even if I don't entirely understand I'll try to listen!

kpop, anime, kdrama, mahwa, manga, coffee, video games, novel, and boba tea


Mentions of De@th, Discussion/images relating to creepy doll or scary stuff

racist, homophobic, sexist, anti-LGBT, -13yo

my ex, school, physics teacher and ppl who bully me >:(